Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

A Semantic Analysis of Language Used in the Slogan of the Auto Mobile in Indonesia

A Semantic Analysis of Language Used in the Slogan of the Auto  Mobile in   Indonesia
Lecturer :
Drs. Japen Sarage
By :
Dewi Putri Ayuningrum
A.                Title                : A Semantic Analysis of Language Used in the Slogan of the Auto  Mobile in   Indonesia
B.                 Discipline        : Linguistic
C.                Background of the Study
Language is an arbritary vocal symbol system of expression used to communicate (Muhammad). Language is a way of people to communicate with others. It used by people in their daily lives to make a conversation. According to Hornby, language is the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country area. Language is what the members of a particular society speak. Wardhaugh (2000 : 1)
Language is a sign that used by people in one community to communicate with the others. In every places there are different languages.
Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi arbitrer yang digunakan oleh para anggota kelompok untuk bekerja sama, berkomunikasi, mengidentifikasi diri. Berdasarkan pengertian ini bahasa secara subtansi merupakan bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh alat ucap manusia. Bunyi ini melambangkan prihal di luar bunyi itu, oleh karena itu dia dianggap simbol. Bunyi bahasa itu diatur oleh tata bunyi, dan karena itulah bahasa merupakan sistem. Kumpulan bunyi untuk menyebutkan sesuatu di luar biasa tidak diatur secara ketat, tetapi semaunya penutur sesuai dengan konvensi masyarakat. Dengan bahasa inilah manusia berkomunikasi, sekaligus menjadi jati diri manusia. (Kridalaksana 1983 and Kentjono 1982, cited in Muhammad 2011 : 28)

It means that language is sign of sound that used by the members of a group to get coorporate, communicate, and identification. Based on that definition, language is a system of sound. The group of sound to explain everything which people want to say depend on the situation in one community.
As a result, with language people be able to communicte and to say about everything what they feel in one condition in the society. Therefore, the researcher will be use this theory in this research.
In language, there are several brances to learn it more detail. Such as morphology, phonology, syntax, semantic, and sociolinguistic. The researcher use semantic to analyze the problem in this research. Semantic is a study the meaning of language. Semantics is a knowledge that discuss about the meaning of sentence. According to Muhammad (2011 : 126), semantik disebut linguistic semantics dalam Bahasa Inggris karena bahasa ditelaah oleh linguistics, maka semantik terkait dengan makna-makna yang diungkapkan manusia melalui satuan bahasa seperti kata, frasa, morfem, klausa, kalimat dll.
It means that semantics is study about the meaning of language, such as word, phrase, clause, and sentence. So, with semantics we can lean more about sociolinguistic especially in meaning of language it self. Therefore, the researcher will use this theory in this research.
Nowadays, semantic used by people to understanding the meaning of word, phrase, clause, and or sentence that are have difficult meaning and  people should use semantic to understand it. In our life, there are some slogan of auto mobile. The product of auto mobile use slogan to make people interest with the product. For example, TOYOTA : Moving Forward, HONDA : The Power of Dreams, SUZUKI : Way of Life, DAIHATSU : Innovation for Tommorow, HYUNDAI : Drive Your Way, and PEUGEOT : Built for the Road and Everything Beyond.
The purpose of this research is to know the meaning of the auto mobile’s slogan in Indonesia. So, the writer hope that the reader able to understand the meaning of slogan semantically.

D.                Identification of the Problem
In this research, the writer is going to identify the slogan of auto mobile in Indonesia using semantic analysis. There are several auto mobile in Indonesia that use English to make slogan. The slogan written in English because most of auto mobile’s products are comes from outside or import from the other countries.              Beside that, the slogan written in English so that the people in the international region can understand what the meaning of the slogan. To understanding the meaning of the slogan, people need semantics analysis to get understanding the term.

E.                 Limitation of the Problem
From the identification of the problem, the writer focus of the study in understanding the slogan of the auto mobile in Indonesia semantically. There are several auto mobile’s products that are use slogan in English and has different meaning or purpose of the slogan to promote their products so that the people in Indonesia understand the meaning of the slogan. So, the writer is going to identify the slogan’s meaning of auto mobile’s products in Indonesia using semantic analysis.

F.                 Formulation of the Study
The writer has two main questions that are slogan’s meaning of the auto mobile’s products in Indonesia using semantic analysis.
1.      What are the types of meaning that used in the slogan ?
2.      How is the way to understanding the slogan’s meaning of auto mobile in Indonesia ?

G.                Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are :
1.      To describe the types of meaning that used in the slogan
2.      To analyze the way of slogan’s meaning of auto mobile in Indonesia.

H.                Significance of the Study
The study benefits theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this research benefits to  to describe the types of meaning in the slogan and. Practically it benefits to become reading material, references, to enlarge linguistic study, particularly semantic analysis.
I.                   Review of Related Theories
Semantics is a knowledge that discuss about the meaning of sentence. According to Muhammad (2011 : 126), semantik disebut linguistic semantics dalam Bahasa Inggris karena bahasa ditelaah oleh linguistics, maka semantik terkait dengan makna-makna yang diungkapkan manusia melalui satuan bahasa seperti kata, frasa, morfem, klausa, kalimat dll.
It means that semantics is study about the meaning of language, such as word, phrase, clause, and sentence. So, with semantics we can lean more about sociolinguistic especially in meaning of language it self. Therefore, the researcher will use this theory in this research.
1.                  Types of Meaning
a.       Lexical and Grammatical
·         Lexical                        : the meaning of the words, phrases, or sentences in accordance with its reference
·         Grammatical    : the part of the language which has a grammatical function
b.      Refferential and Non-Refferential
·         Refferential : it refers to something (cloud, fog, ice)
·         Non-refferential : does not refer to something (beside, by, somehow, somewhat)

c.       Denotative and Connotative
·         Denotative : it involves factual, objective information (true meaning)
·         Connotative : it involves sense values or additional meaning to the original one (chick, gold, dog, pig)
d.      Word and Term
·         Some words are used as terms in certain fields which have special meaning
e.       Conceptual and Associative
·         Conceptual      : it is in accordance with its concept or reference
·         Associative      : it is in accordance with symbol used in the society
f.       Idiomatic and Wise Words
·         Idiomatic         : is a word, phrase or sentence which deviates from its lexical meaning
·         Wise Words    : are sentences which bear advice, or philosophy

2.                  Lexical Relation
a.       Synonym         : sameness meaning
b.      Antonym         : the opposite of meaning
c.       Homonym       : word which is the same in form and sounds as another but different in meaning
·         Homophone    : the same pronounciation but different in meaning
·         Homograph     : word spelt like another but different meaning or pronounciation
d.      Hyponym        : word the meaning of which is a part of another
·         Hypernym       : word covering the meaning of other words
e.       Polysemy         : word that has more than one meaning
f.       Ambiguity       : phrase / sentence that has more than one meaning
g.      Redundancy    : phrase / sentence that has more words than needed

3.                  Aspect of Meaning
a.       Sense               : a meaning can be achieved if the speaker and the listener use the same language
b.      Feeling                        : it is related to the attitude of the speaker toward a situation or context
c.       Tone                : it is related to the attitude of the speaker toward his / her listener
d.      Intention         : obviously, the purpose of the speaker is to give some influence to the listener
·         Declarative
·         Persuasive
·         Imperative
·         Narrative
·         Politic
·         Pedagogic
J.                  Research Method
1.      Research Type
There are two methods in research; there are qualitative and quantitative methods.
Qualitative research is multi-method in focus, involving an imperative, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative researcher study in their natural setting, attemping to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings the people bring to them. Qualitative research involves the studies use and collection of a variety of empirical materials-case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual text-that describe routine and problematic moment and meaning in individuals’ live. (Denzin and Lincoln 1994 : 4 in Emzir 2010 : 1, cited in Muhammad 2011 : 19)
In this research, the writer uses qualitative method because it is as a research method to get descriptive data.
2.      Data Source
Data are all information needed in research. According to Oxford Dictionary Learner’s Advance 7th edition (2007 : 387), “data” is facts or information, especially whwn examined and used to find out things or to make decision.
In this research, the writer searches materials taken from linguistics books and web site of some slogan of auto mobil in Indonesia.

3.      Data Collecting Technique
Data collecting technique is the technique to get the data. Data can be collected from written media such as books, internet, magazine, newspaper, and article. According to Patton (1988) in Kaelan (2005 : 209), cited in Muhammad (2011 : 211), analisis data merupakan suatu proses mengatur urutan data, mengorganisasikannya ke dalam suatu pola, kategori, dan satuannya.
In this research, the writer collect data by searching the data from the internet and making notes from the advertisement in television.
4.      Data Analyzing Technique
The writer uses descriptive qualitative technique in the research. The technique is stated by the statement, quotation, description, and explanation. In analyzing the data, the writer divides in to three steps of analysis, the first is presenting data, the second is analyzing data, the last is finding the result of the research.


Hornby. 2007. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition. Great Clarendon Street : Oxford University Press.
Muhammad. 2011. PARADIGMA KUALITATIF PENELITIAN BAHASA. Yogyakarta : Liebe Book Press.
Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1997. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Malden : Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

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